When life may seem like hell sometimes because of situations or relationships, I forget this story in the heat of the moment and then remember it eventually after I cool down and it helps me to connect with “Love”.
So I typed it up today and am sharing it with those I care. Happy Valentine’s Day.
A story I read(not mine), interpreted in my own way with different known names:
Einstein was attending the Sunday service at the church where his friend was giving a sermon about how praying and being good n righteous leads one to Heaven.
After the sermon, the priest came and asked Einstein if he had any thoughts on the sermon, to which Einstein asked “if I pray everyday and am not good in my ways , then will I go to Heaven. And if I am good and righteous in my ways and don’t believe in God, then where will I go?”
The priest thought for a bit and realized the puzzle, if he says, being good alone or believing in God alone is enough to go to Heaven then there is a moral dilemma and if he says both are needed then the glory of God is diminished. So he said that he will think over and have an answer by next Sunday.
The priest went about analyzing, asking, researching to find an answer over the course of the week, and hit a wall. Exhausted with no possible answers he fell asleep worrying about what he was going to tell Einstein the next day. Then he had a dream about running to catch a train … When he woke up, he had a big smile and eagerly got ready for the sermon and meet Einstein.
After the sermon, Einstein came up to the priest and asked if he had an answer.
To which the priest relayed how he fell asleep yesterday exhausted with no answer and had the following dream:
“I dreamt I was running to catch a train. As I got in, I asked the ticket master, where this train was headed. He said , the next stop is Heaven. So I thought perfect, and bought my ticket to Heaven. When I got off at Heaven, I saw the station was all dirty, every person was walking like a zombie, the trees were dead, no music .. nothing like what I had imagined. So I went to the station master and asked him if he knew where Socrates lived, to which he said no one like that here. What about Buddha, he said nope, he doesn’t live here. Jesus, Gandhi, Mohamed ? The station master said “none of them live here. But you can catch that train which is leaving and see if you find them at the next stop.”
So I ran and caught the train again. When the ticket master came I said “ticket to the next station please.” He said “here is your ticket to the next station: Hell.” So I sat there, a little bit in shock, but thought , well no harm in checking it out.
When I got off at Hell, I was stunned to see the flowers blooming, everyone singing and happy, love was in the air and it felt awesome. So I asked the person walking by if he knew of Socrates or Buddha or Jesus or Mohamed. He said “yea, they all live around the corner.”
At that point I woke up with a smile, for I had found the answer to your question.”
With a puzzled look, Einstein asked “and what is the meaning of this dream and more importantly the answer to my question of whether praying or doing good will lead me to Heaven?”.
To which the priest said “ My friend, when I woke up from the dream, I realized, those who believe in God n’ pray and lead a good righteous life make a Heaven filled with Love where ever they may be.”