iINVENT September Brainstorm

Watch: A CEO share his work and his efforts with those in need | An intern talk about the guitar project with kids in need | An artist and author tell his story | Hear the student who raised thousands of dollars with his athletic team in New Jersey | A child protection unit leadership talk about the current challenges and accomplishments | Plus more .. You are invited to join the live stream @ iinventme.org on Thu Sep 21 8.30am CST. To nominate or contribute in the next event please visit : https://iinventme.org/brainstorm-conce... #livestream #education #Innovation #students #homeschooling #incubatorprogram #iInvent #ddclics #vaadhooclics

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Photo by RyanMcGuire

Photo by RyanMcGuire on Pixabay

musician, country song, banjo

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