Dear Friend.
As this Sunday morning woke me up to the thoughts of how to sell my new book releasing soon, talked to my family for an hour or two which made me feel cool.
Not sure when the morning morphed into noon, and my nap was broken to my college friends phone call. And the conversation woke me up a little from my suburbia’n bubble to remind me how easily I forget things that are not in the news now a days, such as Ukraine, which is home to one of my friends.
Went for a walk by the river after and “The Tree” called out saying “look at me” I still stand here, again a reminder to take a pause and witness the Love that surrounds me or those in Ukraine.
When I came home, was it that day or the next, I don’t know, this song by John Lennon (Beatles) came to me.
To end this letter, poem, song, story or a sales pitch, whatever you may say, hope it found you in your best and nothing less.
Feb 21 1002am @1816zenden
The Book
The Tree
The song
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Photo by Wojciech Then
Photo by Wojciech Then on Unsplash

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