This Center for Learning, Innovation, Creativity and Startup (CLICS) has been launched for the students, parents, businesses, leadership and the district public offices in the region to work cohesively on sustainable projects that help our students, community and environment grow.
Students may start on innovative learning programs and projects, professionals/parents may start up on their ideas from home and institutions/communities may launch their own CLICS for schools or work.
CLICS will provide the grants, platform, program: curriculum/skill development, projects+opportunities, technology and expertise to enable sustainable ideas that help one and all in the region to grow.
All age groups may join with. Students, individuals, teachers, parents, professionals, businesses, public/government sectors are invited to join.
Timings are flexible and you may join at your own convenience.
You may join remotely with an internet connected device or on premise where available.
For any questions or report any issues please use the contact below in your CLICS or you may contact the main office:
DHARWAD @ INDIA-CLICS | P: +91-80-6759-0330 | E: indiaclics@nabros.com | W: iinventme.org/India
A: INDIA-CLICS , NABROS, 1(One), Vittal Mallya Road, Level 14 & 15,Concorde Towers, UB City, Bangalore, Karnataka, 560001, India
1.What is DDCLICS stand for ?
Dharwad District’s Center for Learning, Innovation, Creativity and Startups.
2.What is AIMS stand for ?
Art + Academics, Ideas + Initiatives, Music n’ More, Stories n StartUp.
3.What is the purpose of DDCLICS ?
DDCLICS is a platform and program for Dharawad Dist. Leadership, students and teachers to learn and grow together + Apply for grants + scholarships. – for more details please go the
About section on DDCLICS website
https://iinvent.wpengine.com/ddclics or any school CLICS.
4.How can I translate the my School CLICS to my preferred language?
Go to the footer/bottom of the page and select the flag/language.
5.How can I go to my School CLICS ?
Option#2 – Go to your browser on your computer, mobile or any device connected to the internet and type i-INVNET.org/your school name – example iinventme.org/jinnur
6.How to apply for grants ?
Go to DDCLICS website or any school CLICS
7.How can students engage?
Go to DDCLICS website or your School CLICS and go to the WIN section – The are 4 avenues that the schools, teachers, students can engage and win awards, scholarships and grants
- Competition’s.
- Events.
- Scholarships
- Nominate: Students, teachers, parents, leadership to join as panelists and share ideas, their needs so we get to know what to grow. and if they submit any AIMS we will invite.
8.How does the program and CLICS help students?
We provide the grants, platform, program: curriculum/skill development, projects+ opportunities, technology and consulting expertise to enable sustainable ideas that help one and all grow.
-The CLICS program and platform will enable each student to catch an idea, plan it and grow that idea.
–STUDENTS section on CLICS to share their AIMS, work on projects ,submit their Ranking for a chance to win grants, scholarships and prizes up to 3.5 lakhs.
-Global exposure as they interact with children from other international schools. They will also interact with international dignitaries which will help them in broadening their horizons
-Career guidance through collaboration with concerned individuals and organizations.
-The students can start on on their own projects/startup idea.
9.As a teachers – How can I connect AWE projects to what I teach?
- Conduct 15 min brainstorms at the end of the class in line with AWE projects in line with academics.
- Share the lessons for district students.
- Share AIMS: Art, Ideas, Music/More, Studies/Sports.
- Join/conduct the discussions, events and workshops.
- Participate/lead in projects in your school/region.
Q10.How can parents and alumni get involved?
- Through donations and support.
- Conducting Workshops – Share the lessons for district students.
- Share AIMS: Art, Ideas, Music/More, Studies/Sports.
- Join/conduct the discussions, events and workshops.
- Participate/lead in projects in your school/region.
- Start up your own projects.