DHI 109 to 217 : Ideas for your ideas in the pursuit of Truth.
PRINT ISBN: 978-1-963651-02-7 | EBOOK ISBN: 978-1-963651-03-4 | Library of Congress Control Number: 2023903628 | All profits will be utilized for children/projects in need.
from the book and the blog
When life may seem like hell sometimes because of situations or relationships, I forget this story in the heat of the moment and [...]
Truth is reality.
Being Truthful to others is easy. But being Truthful to one self is the challenge.
Dhi is home when with Truth.
With each breath, one witnesses awareness reflect in everything around the self.
From today is born tomorrow and yesterday. In Dhi breath all became one.
Events & Concerts
related to the book
Another love song which became a lullaby and now has morphed into a devotional song. Sponsored by: Bring your ideas to life @ I-invent.org
A short short movie on The idea of Time Line by Abhi DhiYogi
A short short movie on The idea of Time Line .. by Abhi.DhiYogi.org #timeline #relativity #quantum #dhiyoga
A short short movie on The idea of Time Line .. by Abhi.DhiYogi.org #timeline #relativity #quantum #dhiyoga
Another love song which over the years turned into a lullaby and now into a devotional song. Hope you enjoy it as much as I do. ????
For more AIMS : art, ideas, music and stories visit abhi.dhiyogi.org