DHI 1 to 108 : Yoga for the intellect to catch, plant and grow ideas in our pursuits | Balance to catch ideas | Open to plant | Learn from all to grow the ideas.
ISBN PRINT –978-1-0881-0987-8 | ISBN Ebook -978-1-0881-0995-3 | Library of Congress Control Number: 2023903628 | All profits will be utilized for children/projects in need.
from the book and the blog
I thought this. You said that. They did what? What happened? Each one of the above is a unique reflection of the Truth.
The underlying bond that holds each and every relationship together is Truth.
The easiest is to speak Truth. Next come the deeds driven by Truth. Hard is comprehending Truth. Toughest is to be resonating with the [...]
When the circle completes, Truth emerges from the center.
The mind contextualizes Truth, The heart feels Truth, The breath becomes aware of the Truth, And Dhi comprehends the Truth so one may witness [...]
The scientists explore the universe in search of Truth. The philosophers dive deep in meditation to comprehend the Truth in this existence. But the [...]
Events & Concerts
related to the book
Songs and stories to catch, plant and grow ideas in each one's pursuit at school, work or home . Curations based on Book of Dhi Yoga by Abhi DhiYogi. All proceeds generated go to support children in need. To submit questions/input or request an event at your location please visit abhi.dhiyogi.org .
Ideas, songs, stories about love clouds and its rain.
Ideas, songs, stories about nothing or the essence of everything and anything ...
Some ideas about -The beauty in each -The essence of it -Yoga of being beautiful
Some ideas about -The art of Giving -The art of receiving -Yoga of giving and getting
Some ideas about the fears of -Failure -Change or loosing -Yoga for the fears