Select currency
Schools CLICK HERE to apply for the grant.
Inviting students, organizations and citizens to join the community of Dharwad District's innovative AIMS,art,academics,ideas,initiatives,music,media,startup,sports,stories, to catch, plant and grow the best ideas in your pursuits at school, work and home.
[social-wall feed=1]
Center for Learning, Innovation, Creativity and Startup
DD CLICS (Dharwad District’s Center for Learning, Innovation, Creativity and Startups) has been launched for the students, parents, businesses, leadership and the district public offices to work cohesively on sustainable projects that help our new generation, community and environment growth.
Students may start on learning program, professionals or home makers may start up on their ideas from home or contribute their AIMS to join and institutions/communities may launch their own DD CLICS for schools, homes or public offices.
Our projects fall under the 3C’s:
We provide the grants, platform, program: curriculum/skill development, projects+opportunities, technology and consulting expertise to enable sustainable ideas that help one and all grow.
All age groups may join with an internet connected device. Students, individuals, teachers, parents, professionals, businesses, public/government sectors are invited to join.
Timings are flexible and you may join at your own convenience.
You may join remotely with an internet connected device or on premise where available.
For any questions or report any issues please use the contact below:
DHARWAD @ INDIA-CLICS | P: +91-80-6759-0330 | E: | W:
A: INDIA-CLICS , NABROS, 1(One), Vittal Mallya Road, Level 14 & 15,Concorde Towers, UB City, Bangalore, Karnataka, 560001, India
**All content posted and shared is the responsibility of such an individual/institute. Please see our complete terms and conditions.
AWE Competition Launch Event | Dharwad Distr.
book now When: Sept 30 [...]
One947 Unplugged Concert by INDIA CLICS
Support the artist or projects Share your AIMS [...]
COVID 19 variant Omicron : session by Dr. Mahesh D K
When: Dec 16 2021 at 7.45 pm [...]
Internet Usage and Safety Literacy for Children
When: Dec 23 2021 at 7.45 pm [...]
Internship Application
DDCLICS Volunteer Internship requires one to apply knowledge, skills and talents to innovate and bring one’s ideas/concepts to life.
-Internship Experience Certificate
Program Details:
-Operations, Technology/Systems and Governance
-Project Implementation/Management
Internship Duration:
Core values required:
-Sincere participation in academics and extracurricular activities
The grants for eligible AIMS (artists, innovators, individuals, institutes, ideas, musicians, students and start up’s) have been designed to enable healthy and sustainable growth in one’s pursuit at home, work and community.
All age groups are welcome.
The percentage distribution has been outlined in the section below. Receive the grant/award periodically as stated in the project details. Typically per month or quarter or year.
The grants will be deposited in local currency or USD to the applicant/guardians account.
The in-kind grants will be mailed/sent to the intended recipient address noted.
The AIMS (Artists, Inventors, Musicians/Media, Story tellers) agrees to support other community projects and transaction costs with 15% of what is donated to them via the platform/initiative.
Who may apply?
iINVENT grants are for eligible AIMS: artists+ academics, initiatives+innovators, individuals, institutes, ideas, musicians+more, students and startups
Who may donate?
Any individual or institute/organization who is legally eligible to make payments in that region.
Applicants and donors may apply/participate through out the year | All grants available for distribution within the fiscal year will be distributed in the upcoming four quarters starting April 1 of that fiscal year.
Which AIMS, ideas, projects or initiatives are eligible?
Any idea to enable sustainable growth in one’s : pursuit, community and environment is eligible.
Students seeking grants for learning and teachers wanting support for education research or schooling may apply to the grants.
Artists, professionals and musicians who need support to start up your creative project, support others who want to learn the art form, share your creative for community and environment growth.
Institutes who support children/individuals in need are eligible.
And others.
One grant application per applicant per request per quarter is allowed .
Donate via online payment method provided on the i INVENT platform. In kind donations may be mailed to the address noted on the particular grant.
Rules, Terms and Conditions:
By participating all applicants, donors and participants agree to the Terms/Conditions (click to view details) and the rules noted below:
1. No fees will be charged by iINVENT to any applicant. One application per quarter by the applicant
2. Grant winners to update picture/video posts to portal about their efforts regularly
3. The iINVENT grants are open to students, individuals, institutions, start up’s and other groups pursuing ideas for individual, community or environment growth.
4. Employees, affiliates and family of iINVENT team and the participating CLICS member/donors in this effort are NOT eligible for grants unless the grant has been created for such a need/individual.
5. Logistics, delivery and other relevant details may be considered and discussed with the winner to overcome any constraints pertaining to delivery of the grant.
6. The decision on the grant winners will be final and is at the discretion of the selected panel.
7. The submission of any material does not guarantee grant or any form of payment. Participation does not guarantee any reward, payment or service.
8. iINVENT , its affiliates and partners is not liable for any incidents, damages, legalities or costs incurred by the participants of this project.
9. The participant is responsible for their own action, risks and information.
10. All data shared on the platform as a part of this initiative is public and may be shared for all pertinent purposes.
11. The rules and criteria may change periodically. The participants are responsible to check this section regularly.
12.The applicant may loose partial or all future grants if any discrepancies in the application, intended usage of the grant/resources is found.
13. Taxes, third party payment gateways and specific service provider fees may be applicable for a transaction/service provision. For e.g. when a payment is made by credit card, the payment gateway charges a small percentage of fee and taxes. This fee is not associated with iINVENT.
14. The grant will be distributed to the winners per the allocations defined in the grant.
15. One individual/entry may be eligible for multiple awards.
16. All TIPS/DONATIONS/CONTRIBUTIONS are aligned per the project that generates them.
16. One may donate to support multiple projects.
17. The winners will be notified on the project url plus by any other available communication means.
18. Any unclaimed grants and awards will be realigned to future/other projects.
19. Any applicant who fails to meet/adhere to the guidelines, terms and conditions may be barred from current and future participation.
20. All are welcome to participate to bring the AIMS that help one, others and environment grow.
All grants that are donated and raised for a particular project competition will be distributed in the following percentages:
Rank | Percentage
of Total Prize Purse |
1 | 18 |
2 | 10.9 |
3 | 6.9 |
4 | 4.9 |
5 | 4.1 |
6 | 3.625 |
7 | 3.375 |
8 | 3.125 |
9 | 2.925 |
10 | 2.725 |
11 | 2.525 |
12 | 2.325 |
13 | 2.125 |
14 | 1.925 |
15 | 1.825 |
16 | 1.725 |
17 | 1.625 |
18 | 1.525 |
19 | 1.425 |
20 | 1.325 |
21 | 1.225 |
22 | 1.125 |
23 | 1.045 |
24 | 0.965 |
25 | 0.885 |
26 | 0.805 |
27 | 0.775 |
28 | 0.745 |
29 | 0.715 |
30 | 0.685 |
31 | 0.655 |
32 | 0.625 |
33 | 0.595 |
34 | 0.57 |
35 | 0.545 |
36 | 0.52 |
37 | 0.495 |
38 | 0.475 |
39 | 0.455 |
40 | 0.435 |
41 | 0.415 |
42 | 0.395 |
43 | 0.375 |
44 | 0.355 |
45 | 0.335 |
46 | 0.315 |
47 | 0.295 |
48 | 0.279 |
49 | 0.265 |
50 | 0.257 |
51 | 0.251 |
52 | 0.245 |
53 | 0.241 |
54 | 0.237 |
55 | 0.235 |
56 | 0.233 |
57 | 0.231 |
58 | 0.229 |
59 | 0.227 |
60 | 0.225 |
61 | 0.223 |
62 | 0.221 |
63 | 0.219 |
64 | 0.217 |
65 | 0.215 |
GRANTS | SCHOLARSHIPS | PRIZESUpto Q2 2023: Rs. 25 Lakh in CLICS distributed | Rs. 2.5 Lakh available in cash prizes
Donations | Recipients+Winners | Rules | Prize Purse Distribution | ContactINFO
Membership| Winners | FAQ and moreMembership details | About | Donations | Recipients | FAQ | Rules | Prize Purse Distribution | Contact | Publish Book | Events-Workshops | Books-KB | START UP
Inviting Students To Join
A student may qualify for a chance to win awards by sharing their learnings, ideas or creativity and participating in projects.
To share knowledge and talent that helps one, others and environment to grow in one’s pursuits.
Submit your weekly self evaluation paper of your learnings at school, home or work/other.
A student may share their AIMS: Art, Ideas, Music/More, Studies/Sports.
Join the discussions, events and workshops.
Participate in projects in your school/region.
Start up your own projects.
You may share or participate Daily | Weekly | Monthly or even after each class/lesson.
Qualify for a chance to win prizes, grants and support with opportunities.
Learn to innovate : catch, plant and grow ideas in your pursuits of AIMS(Art+Academics | Ideas+Initiatives | Music+Media | Science+Sports+Startup)
Apply what you have learnt to enable your own growth, other’s and environment.
Program Details:
-Operations, Technology/Systems and Governance
-Project Implementation/Management
Internship Duration:
Core values required:
-Participation in academics and extracurricular activities
Please join as a Member at the top of this page with accurate details so we may reach out to you for the eligible awards and other needs. If there is no option to join please click here to join .
You may update your progress daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly and yearly for a chance to win.
Share your AIMS (Art/Academics, Ideas/Initiatives, Music/Media, Sports/Startup) for a chance to win.
Win prizes, grants and scholarships:
Apply via: Social media | CLICS Page | Email and other
Via social media
- Share a public post of your AIMS (art/academics, initiative/idea, music/media, startup/sports/story) on your social media account: instagram or twitter or facebook or youtube.
- Include the specified hashtags in your post:
#DDCLICS #iINVENT #your_town #your_state #your_country
- Tag us @iinventme on
- For Facebook and Youtube, after you have posted on your account, please share it with the following FB group:
Via CLICS page
You may submit the details by going to the Share AIMS or Reviews section on this page to input your details.
Via email or other channels
Or go to the CONTACT section by CLICKING HERE.
Approved submissions are active in 2 to 5 business days.
Nominate self/someone for speaking or awards:
You may REQUEST or CONDUCT an event/workshop at your location:
Submit your paper quarterly and yearly:
Please join and then apply for internship or scholarship so we may distribute the award efficiently:
Join us and apply below to start up on your ideas and initiatives:
Helpful links:
Watch live | EDU offering/program and details | iINVENT and the memberships | Market place | Membership details | About | Events-Workshops | Books-KB | Market Place
Inviting EDUCATION institutes to join
Program Details:
-Operations, Technology/Systems and Governance
-Project Implementation/Management
Core values required:
-Participation in academics and extracurricular activities
Teachers may:
Share their lessons | Curate ideas or creativity to mentor the students and parents | Enable sustainable growth in the region by leading/participating 3c projects.
If you have any requests, feedback or input please go to the contact info in the ABOUT link.
To enable the students to apply what they learn to sustainable projects.
Conduct 15 min brainstorms at the end of the class in line with 3C projects
Share the lessons for district students.
Share AIMS: Art, Ideas, Music/More, Studies/Sports.
Join/conduct the discussions, events and workshops.
Participate/lead in projects in your school/region.
Start up your own projects.
You may share or participate Daily | Weekly | Monthly or even after each class/lesson.
Qualify for a chance to win project grants and support.
Enable the students and parents to catch, plant and grow ideas.
Helps the students to apply what they have learnt to enable growth in one self, other’s and environment.
Please join as a Member at the top of this page with accurate details so we may reach out to you for the eligible awards and other needs. If there is no option to join please click here to join .
Apply for the grant to start up your CLICS by sharing institute details + the teacher/professor who will lead the initiative + 2 students who will compliment the teacher:
Share AIMS (Art/Academics, Ideas/Initiatives, Music/Media, Sports/Startup) for a chance to win.
Win prizes, grants and scholarships:
Apply via: Social media | CLICS Page | Email and other
Via social media
- Share a public post of your AIMS (art/academics, initiative/idea, music/media, startup/sports/story) on your social media account: instagram or twitter or facebook or youtube.
- Include the specified hashtags in your post:
#DDCLICS #iINVENT #your_town #your_state #your_country
- Tag us @iinventme on
- For Facebook and Youtube, after you have posted on your account, please share it with the following FB group:
Via CLICS page
You may submit the details by going to the Share AIMS or Reviews section on this page to input your details.
Via email or other channels
Or go to the CONTACT section by CLICKING HERE.
Approved submissions are active in 2 to 5 business days.
Nominate for speaking or awards:
You may REQUEST an event/workshop or assistance to conduct at your location:
Teachers may submit papers quarterly and yearly to qualify for possible grants:
Join us and apply below to request support in time, expertise and resources for your initiatives:
Helpful links:
Watch live | EDU offering/program and details | iINVENT and the memberships | Market place | Membership details | About | Events-Workshops | Books-KB | Market Place |
Parents Teachers and Alumni
Parents, Teachers and Alumni (PTA) are invited to join
Parents may be featured in events and conferences, win grants for their projects that enable a sustainable growth in the region.
If you have any requests, feedback or input please go to the contact info in the ABOUT link.
To share knowledge that helps your children and others in the region to grow.
Join/conduct the discussions, events and workshops.
Share the lessons and projects.
Share AIMS: Art, Ideas, Music/More, Studies/Sports.
Participate in projects in your school/region.
Start up your own projects.
You may share or participate Daily | Weekly | Monthly.
Qualify for a chance to win prizes, grants and support.
Enable the students and others to catch, plant and grow ideas.
Helps the students apply what they have learnt to enable growth in one self, other’s and environment.
Teachers may:
Share their lessons | Curate ideas or creativity to mentor the students and parents | Enable sustainable growth in the region by leading/participating 3c projects.
If you have any requests, feedback or input please go to the contact info in the ABOUT link.
To enable the students to apply what they learn to sustainable projects.
Conduct 15 min brainstorms at the end of the class in line with 3C projects
Share the lessons for district students.
Share AIMS: Art, Ideas, Music/More, Studies/Sports.
Join/conduct the discussions, events and workshops.
Participate/lead in projects in your school/region.
Start up your own projects.
You may share or participate Daily | Weekly | Monthly or even after each class/lesson.
Qualify for a chance to win project grants and support.
Enable the students and parents to catch, plant and grow ideas.
Helps the students to apply what they have learnt to enable growth in one self, other’s and environment.
ALUMNI are invited to impart their experience/knowledge in featured events and conferences for a chance to win grants for their projects that enable a sustainable growth in the region.
If you have any requests, feedback or input please go to the contact info in the ABOUT link.
To share knowledge that helps our children and others in the region to grow.
Join/conduct the discussions, events and workshops.
Share the lessons and projects.
Share AIMS: Art, Ideas, Music/More, Studies/Sports.
Participate in projects in your school/region.
Start up your own projects.
You may share or participate Daily | Weekly | Monthly at a time of your convenience.
Qualify for a chance to win prizes, grants and support.
Enable the students and others to catch, plant and grow ideas.
Help the students apply what they have learnt to enable growth in one self, other’s and environment.
Please join as a Member at the top of this page with accurate details so we may reach out to you for the eligible awards and other needs. If there is no option to join please click here to join .
Share AIMS (Art/Academics, Ideas/Initiatives, Music/Media, Sports/Startup) for a chance to win.
Win prizes, grants and scholarships:
Apply via: Social media | CLICS Page | Email and other
Via social media
- Share a public post of your AIMS (art/academics, initiative/idea, music/media, startup/sports/story) on your social media account: instagram or twitter or facebook or youtube.
- Include the specified hashtags in your post:
#DDCLICS #iINVENT #your_town #your_state #your_country
- Tag us @iinventme on
- For Facebook and Youtube, after you have posted on your account, please share it with the following FB group:
Via CLICS page
You may submit the details by going to the Share AIMS or Reviews section on this page to input your details.
Via email or other channels
Or go to the CONTACT section by CLICKING HERE.
Approved submissions are active in 2 to 5 business days.
Nominate students, citizens or organizations for speaking or awards :
You may REQUEST an event/workshop or assistance to conduct at your location:
Join us and apply below to request support in time, expertise and resources for your initiatives:
Helpful links:
Watch live | Home Offering/program and details | iINVENT and the memberships | Market place | Membership details | About | Events-Workshops | Books-KB | Market Place |
The grants for eligible AIMS (artists, innovators, individuals, institutes, ideas, musicians, students and start up’s) have been designed to enable healthy and sustainable growth in one’s pursuit at home, work and community.
All age groups are welcome.
The percentage distribution has been outlined in the section below. Receive the grant/award periodically as stated in the project details. Typically per month or quarter or year.
The grants will be deposited in local currency or USD to the applicant/guardians account.
The in-kind grants will be mailed/sent to the intended recipient address noted.
The AIMS (Artists, Inventors, Musicians/Media, Story tellers) agrees to support other community projects and transaction costs with 15% of what is donated to them via the platform/initiative.
Who may apply?
iINVENT grants are for eligible AIMS: artists+ academics, initiatives+innovators, individuals, institutes, ideas, musicians+more, students and startups
Who may donate?
Any individual or institute/organization who is legally eligible to make payments in that region.
Applicants and donors may apply/participate through out the year | All grants available for distribution within the fiscal year will be distributed in the upcoming four quarters starting April 1 of that fiscal year.
Which AIMS, ideas, projects or initiatives are eligible?
Any idea to enable sustainable growth in one’s : pursuit, community and environment is eligible.
Students seeking grants for learning and teachers wanting support for education research or schooling may apply to the grants.
Artists, professionals and musicians who need support to start up your creative project, support others who want to learn the art form, share your creative for community and environment growth.
Institutes who support children/individuals in need are eligible.
And others.
One grant application per applicant per request per quarter is allowed .
Donate via online payment method provided on the i INVENT platform. In kind donations may be mailed to the address noted on the particular grant.
Rules, Terms and Conditions:
By participating all applicants, donors and participants agree to the Terms/Conditions (click to view details) and the rules noted below:
1. No fees will be charged by iINVENT to any applicant. One application per quarter by the applicant
2. Grant winners to update picture/video posts to portal about their efforts regularly
3. The iINVENT grants are open to students, individuals, institutions, start up’s and other groups pursuing ideas for individual, community or environment growth.
4. Employees, affiliates and family of iINVENT team and the participating CLICS member/donors in this effort are NOT eligible for grants unless the grant has been created for such a need/individual.
5. Logistics, delivery and other relevant details may be considered and discussed with the winner to overcome any constraints pertaining to delivery of the grant.
6. The decision on the grant winners will be final and is at the discretion of the selected panel.
7. The submission of any material does not guarantee grant or any form of payment. Participation does not guarantee any reward, payment or service.
8. iINVENT , its affiliates and partners is not liable for any incidents, damages, legalities or costs incurred by the participants of this project.
9. The participant is responsible for their own action, risks and information.
10. All data shared on the platform as a part of this initiative is public and may be shared for all pertinent purposes.
11. The rules and criteria may change periodically. The participants are responsible to check this section regularly.
12.The applicant may loose partial or all future grants if any discrepancies in the application, intended usage of the grant/resources is found.
13. Taxes, third party payment gateways and specific service provider fees may be applicable for a transaction/service provision. For e.g. when a payment is made by credit card, the payment gateway charges a small percentage of fee and taxes. This fee is not associated with iINVENT.
14. The grant will be distributed to the winners per the allocations defined in the grant.
15. One individual/entry may be eligible for multiple awards.
16. All TIPS/DONATIONS/CONTRIBUTIONS are aligned per the project that generates them.
16. One may donate to support multiple projects.
17. The winners will be notified on the project url plus by any other available communication means.
18. Any unclaimed grants and awards will be realigned to future/other projects.
19. Any applicant who fails to meet/adhere to the guidelines, terms and conditions may be barred from current and future participation.
20. All are welcome to participate to bring the AIMS that help one, others and environment grow.
All grants that are donated and raised for a particular project competition will be distributed in the following percentages:
Rank | Percentage
of Total Prize Purse |
1 | 18 |
2 | 10.9 |
3 | 6.9 |
4 | 4.9 |
5 | 4.1 |
6 | 3.625 |
7 | 3.375 |
8 | 3.125 |
9 | 2.925 |
10 | 2.725 |
11 | 2.525 |
12 | 2.325 |
13 | 2.125 |
14 | 1.925 |
15 | 1.825 |
16 | 1.725 |
17 | 1.625 |
18 | 1.525 |
19 | 1.425 |
20 | 1.325 |
21 | 1.225 |
22 | 1.125 |
23 | 1.045 |
24 | 0.965 |
25 | 0.885 |
26 | 0.805 |
27 | 0.775 |
28 | 0.745 |
29 | 0.715 |
30 | 0.685 |
31 | 0.655 |
32 | 0.625 |
33 | 0.595 |
34 | 0.57 |
35 | 0.545 |
36 | 0.52 |
37 | 0.495 |
38 | 0.475 |
39 | 0.455 |
40 | 0.435 |
41 | 0.415 |
42 | 0.395 |
43 | 0.375 |
44 | 0.355 |
45 | 0.335 |
46 | 0.315 |
47 | 0.295 |
48 | 0.279 |
49 | 0.265 |
50 | 0.257 |
51 | 0.251 |
52 | 0.245 |
53 | 0.241 |
54 | 0.237 |
55 | 0.235 |
56 | 0.233 |
57 | 0.231 |
58 | 0.229 |
59 | 0.227 |
60 | 0.225 |
61 | 0.223 |
62 | 0.221 |
63 | 0.219 |
64 | 0.217 |
65 | 0.215 |
Share your AIMS to win
Win prizes, grants and scholarships:
Apply via: Social media | CLICS Page | Email and other
Via social media
- Share a public post of your AIMS (art/academics, initiative/idea, music/media, startup/sports/story) on your social media account: instagram or twitter or facebook or youtube.
- Include the specified hashtags in your post: #DDCLICS #<place> #<state> #<country> #IINVENT
- Tag us @iinventme on
- For Facebook and Youtube, after you have posted on your account, please share it with the following FB group:
Via CLICS page
You may submit the details by going to the Share AIMS or Reviews section on this page to input your details.
Via email or other channels
Or go to the CONTACT section by CLICKING HERE.
Approved submissions are active in 2 to 5 business days.
Join us
You may join us in the events, projects and more by providing the details below.
Event Request
You may request a workshop/event:
Submit your details
-Win CLICS, Grants & Fund Raise
-Speak at Events & Talk to Experts
-Join Local, Regional, Global Community Projects
School Registration
- Apply for the DDCLICS grant of Rs. 2.5 Lakhs to start up your CLICS
- You will receive the registration code and steps in the email within 2 to 4 days
- Kick start the AIMS on your Center for Learning Innovation Creativity and Startup
Cash Prize Distribution
All allocated grants/donations raised for a particular project/competition will be distributed in the following percentages:
Rank | Percentage of Total Prize Purse |
1 | 18 |
2 | 10.9 |
3 | 6.9 |
4 | 4.9 |
5 | 4.1 |
6 | 3.625 |
7 | 3.375 |
8 | 3.125 |
9 | 2.925 |
10 | 2.725 |
11 | 2.525 |
12 | 2.325 |
13 | 2.125 |
14 | 1.925 |
15 | 1.825 |
16 | 1.725 |
17 | 1.625 |
18 | 1.525 |
19 | 1.425 |
20 | 1.325 |
21 | 1.225 |
22 | 1.125 |
23 | 1.045 |
24 | 0.965 |
25 | 0.885 |
26 | 0.805 |
27 | 0.775 |
28 | 0.745 |
29 | 0.715 |
30 | 0.685 |
31 | 0.655 |
32 | 0.625 |
33 | 0.595 |
34 | 0.57 |
35 | 0.545 |
36 | 0.52 |
37 | 0.495 |
38 | 0.475 |
39 | 0.455 |
40 | 0.435 |
41 | 0.415 |
42 | 0.395 |
43 | 0.375 |
44 | 0.355 |
45 | 0.335 |
46 | 0.315 |
47 | 0.295 |
48 | 0.279 |
49 | 0.265 |
50 | 0.257 |
51 | 0.251 |
52 | 0.245 |
53 | 0.241 |
54 | 0.237 |
55 | 0.235 |
56 | 0.233 |
57 | 0.231 |
58 | 0.229 |
59 | 0.227 |
60 | 0.225 |
61 | 0.223 |
62 | 0.221 |
63 | 0.219 |
64 | 0.217 |
65 | 0.215 |
Project Overview
All proceeds from this project will support:
>> Eligible AIMS : artists, innovators, individuals, institutes, ideas, musicians, students, startups, sports and others who’s pursuits align with the 3E’s
>> 3E project priorities : Environment: Air -Water-Earth | Education: Innovation-Skill Dev-Career | Eco-Heritage : Economy-Safety-Culture
>> Winners of various AIMS competitions and grant applicants
>> Community members in need of opportunities
>> Education research and development
Start Up Your CLICS
Apply to start up your AIMS with your own CLICS for individual, institute/business or community. You may win the 1st year complimentary CLICS license for your AIMS sponsored by the partners.
Parents may be featured in events and conferences, win grants for their projects that enable a sustainable growth in the region.
If you have any requests, feedback or input please go to the contact info in the ABOUT link.
To share knowledge that helps your children and others in the region to grow.
Join/conduct the discussions, events and workshops.
Share the lessons and projects.
Share AIMS: Art, Ideas, Music/More, Studies/Sports.
Participate in projects in your school/region.
Start up your own projects.
You may share or participate Daily | Weekly | Monthly.
Qualify for a chance to win prizes, grants and support.
Enable the students and others to catch, plant and grow ideas.
Helps the students apply what they have learnt to enable growth in one self, other’s and environment.
Teachers may:
Share their lessons | Curate ideas or creativity to mentor the students and parents | Enable sustainable growth in the region by leading/participating 3c projects.
If you have any requests, feedback or input please go to the contact info in the ABOUT link.
To enable the students to apply what they learn to sustainable projects.
Conduct 15 min brainstorms at the end of the class in line with 3C projects
Share the lessons for district students.
Share AIMS: Art, Ideas, Music/More, Studies/Sports.
Join/conduct the discussions, events and workshops.
Participate/lead in projects in your school/region.
Start up your own projects.
You may share or participate Daily | Weekly | Monthly or even after each class/lesson.
Qualify for a chance to win project grants and support.
Enable the students and parents to catch, plant and grow ideas.
Helps the students to apply what they have learnt to enable growth in one self, other’s and environment.
ALUMNI are invited to impart their experience/knowledge in featured events and conferences for a chance to win grants for their projects that enable a sustainable growth in the region.
If you have any requests, feedback or input please go to the contact info in the ABOUT link.
To share knowledge that helps our children and others in the region to grow.
Join/conduct the discussions, events and workshops.
Share the lessons and projects.
Share AIMS: Art, Ideas, Music/More, Studies/Sports.
Participate in projects in your school/region.
Start up your own projects.
You may share or participate Daily | Weekly | Monthly at a time of your convenience.
Qualify for a chance to win prizes, grants and support.
Enable the students and others to catch, plant and grow ideas.
Help the students apply what they have learnt to enable growth in one self, other’s and environment.
Are there any fees?
There are no fees charged to participate.
Who can participate-
-For students, individuals, organizations public/private sector to collaborate and work together on sustainable AIMS .
How to participate-
All can share theirs AIMS on their social media account as public post. Please click here for details.
Types of awards –
For the year 2022 in kind globally : USD 2million+ dollars has been attributed
In kind and donations – Monthly/Quarterly/Annually – this will be given to the shortlisted AIMS entry winners.
Cash prizes Annually – The contributions at regional, national, international level from the donation for the year will be distributed to the recipients as noted in the distribution chart.
Categories of awards
2.Institutions(Public or Private sector)
Levels of award allocations
1.Island/City/Place/Regional level – What is generated from local/individual CLICS will go to the shortlisted applicants from the region.
2.National level – What is generated from at a national level will be distributed to shortlisted applicants/regions from the nation.
3.International level – What is generated from iINVENT at a global level will be distributed to shortlisted applicants nationally, regionally, and locally
Percentage of award allocations
All individual CLICS will promote their CLICS and from whatever is generated 85% will go to that individual CLICS AIMS winners and 15% is being donated by the CLICS to the national/global CLICS AIMS. Transaction fees may be deducted from the winning amounts based on fees charged by banks and online service providers.
Public Information
1.All donations made on the platform are public information
2.All the recipient AIMS on the platform are public information
3.Any discrepancy or issue is public information
Prize announcement and distribution
1.All prize winners will be announced in the award ceremony broadcasted online plus updated on the respective CLICS/Competition page.
2.The cash prizes will be deposited to the winner’s account or the parent/guardian account in case of minor.
3.Cheque and Online transfer are the two key modes. In kind awards will be emailed.
Other general questions:
1.What is CLICS stand for?
2.What is AIMS ?
3.What is CLICS program about
4.What is the concept of “yoga your ideas with songs, stories” ?
5.Where can I get details about competitions, grants and scholarships ?
6.Is this program and prizes available to all ?
7.How does it help me as an artist?
8.What is corporate CLICS ?
9.What can students do?
10.What is the offering for local businesses and startup’s?
11. How can I startup?
12.What is the Support I can give?
**All content posted and shared is the responsibility of such an individual/institute. Please see our complete terms and conditions.
Donors and Prizes
All donations will be attributed to the winners, grants, scholarships and needs of this project. Details of recipients provided in the recipient link/section.
DONOR NAME | Estm. Donation Valuation |
NABROS iINVENT Grant platform licensing
NABROS Consulting : Design/Technology India CLICS PMO Evolve Lives Foundation: Community relationship development Test
Rs. 18 Lakhs
740 Hours 240 Hours 120 Hours Rs.0.00
Recipient/Project link | Estimated Donation Valuation |
Dharwad Dist. Schools 600 students Students in need in Distr. AWEHD projects |
Rs. 2 Lakhs/per school | License and Design
1 Lakh Masks by Red Cross 20 CPR training sessions by Cancer Hospital, Red Cross and Rotary 100 School bags by Evolve Lives Foundation 1000 hours in Project Management efforts |
Please see FAQ section for more details.